Tuesday, 11 June 2013

High noon as sheriff nabs fine dodgers

Posted to Monash Weekly (11/6/2013) on 11/6/2013 at 11:14 AM
Commenting on "High noon as sheriff nabs fine dodgers"


Human rights laws are man-made and can and must be changed to deal with people who do not respect and infringe upon the rights of the masses.

It is nonsensical for judiciary and law enforcer to say that their hands are tied, or go lenient on repeat offenders or criminals. Everyone, when their titles are stripped off when not on duty, can exercise their rights to raise their voice and opinion as an individual citizen seeking changes to the incorrectness or unfairness of the laws.

I have said many times that I am a no nonsense person. I would like to see regions free from industrial laws and employment laws and with restrictive human rights, where these irresponsible culprits are punished to work as the Chain Gang, similar to those portrayed in the Wild West movies.

What will Mr Facey do with the fine-evaders after they are caught?