Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Gay support groups say MP's not sticker worthy

Posted to Monash Weekly (18/6/2013) on 18/6/2013 at 9:20 AM
Commenting on "Gay support groups say MP's not sticker worthy"


I believe same gender marriage is NOT about equality or the right of individuals. Change of definition of the word marriage is not just a political matter, or legal matter. It affects the moral fibre, cultural, societal and family structures, which can be damaged beyond repair.

The argument to the nth degree will be marriage between siblings from the same biological parents, father with daughter or mother with son. To continue further with the argument, father with son, and mother with daughter. If a parent marries a child and the female bears a child, is the child the grandchild or the child of the senior partner?

Rules are human-made (just for political correctness) and morality is human-defined. Obviously, these can all be changed if so desire. The questions need to be asked are "should this be changed", "what can this lead to", and "where is the boundary".