Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Gay support groups say MP's not sticker worthy

Posted to Monash Weekly (18/6/2013) on 18/6/2013 at 9:20 AM
Commenting on "Gay support groups say MP's not sticker worthy"


I believe same gender marriage is NOT about equality or the right of individuals. Change of definition of the word marriage is not just a political matter, or legal matter. It affects the moral fibre, cultural, societal and family structures, which can be damaged beyond repair.

The argument to the nth degree will be marriage between siblings from the same biological parents, father with daughter or mother with son. To continue further with the argument, father with son, and mother with daughter. If a parent marries a child and the female bears a child, is the child the grandchild or the child of the senior partner?

Rules are human-made (just for political correctness) and morality is human-defined. Obviously, these can all be changed if so desire. The questions need to be asked are "should this be changed", "what can this lead to", and "where is the boundary".

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Steady rates in Monash, with a catch

Posted to Monash Weekly (11/6/2013) on 11/6/2013 at 12:15 PM
Commenting on "Steady rates in Monash, with a catch"


Many senior people in City of Monash are asset rich but income poor. They live in properties with high rateable value due to high site value, and as a result, the Council rate, water rate and land tax (if property is an investment) are high accordingly. Unless the properties are sold, these people will have to bear the burden of unreasonable increases in utility charges and rates.

The way the Council calculates the rate increase is based on simple arithmetic. Someone pulls out a magical number and applies to the last year budget rate income. If the budget was high and incorrect, the following years’ budgets will become unrealistically rubbery and the impact is compounded.

If City of Monash could survive with the lowest average rate for so long, it does not mean that the Council needs to play catch up by increasing the rate by more than double the inflation rate of the last five years.

It is important to keep in mind that provision of services is important, but at what cost. Efficient and effective use of resources in providing services is the ultimate reflection of liveability of the City. More libraries, swimming pools, carparks and administrative staff doing paper shuffling are luxuries the ratepayers can do without.

High noon as sheriff nabs fine dodgers

Posted to Monash Weekly (11/6/2013) on 11/6/2013 at 11:14 AM
Commenting on "High noon as sheriff nabs fine dodgers"


Human rights laws are man-made and can and must be changed to deal with people who do not respect and infringe upon the rights of the masses.

It is nonsensical for judiciary and law enforcer to say that their hands are tied, or go lenient on repeat offenders or criminals. Everyone, when their titles are stripped off when not on duty, can exercise their rights to raise their voice and opinion as an individual citizen seeking changes to the incorrectness or unfairness of the laws.

I have said many times that I am a no nonsense person. I would like to see regions free from industrial laws and employment laws and with restrictive human rights, where these irresponsible culprits are punished to work as the Chain Gang, similar to those portrayed in the Wild West movies.

What will Mr Facey do with the fine-evaders after they are caught?

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Monash dog fight: Kerser gets reprieve, bomb threat made (Post 3 of 3)

Posted to Monash Weekly (4/6/2013) on 4/6/2013 at 10:01 PM
Commenting on "Monash dog fight: Kerser gets reprieve, bomb threat made"


Sin Fong Chan, people are responsible for animals - they are defenceless and it is up to us to look after them as a community. People, well, clearly there are a lot of idiots out there

I Love Amstaffs, not all animals are defenceless, otherwise there is not the need for any law to put away pit bulls, which have track records of attacking and killing people without being provoked.

Monash dog fight: Kerser gets reprieve, bomb threat made (Post 2 of 3)

Posted to Monash Weekly (4/6/2013) on 4/6/2013 at 4:20 PM
Commenting on "Monash dog fight: Kerser gets reprieve, bomb threat made"


City of Monash will be the greatest and most humane City on planet Earth if the ratepayers care about the wellbeing of their fellow humans as much as they do with Kerser.

Monash dog fight: Kerser gets reprieve, bomb threat made (Post 1 of 3)

Posted to Monash Weekly (4/6/2013) on 4/6/2013 at 11:17 AM
Commenting on "Monash dog fight: Kerser gets reprieve, bomb threat made"


The dog was unregistered because the owner just moved to the neighbourhood. Was the dog registered when the owner was residing in other suburb prior to moving to City of Monash? If so, the owner should have known better and took all necessary precaution NOT to let the dog roam into the neighbour's backyard. Did the owner show or wrote to the Council officer about the previous registration?

We don't like many laws, but we can't be bothered to have the laws changed until things happen to us. If you are a blackberry lover and like to grow blackberry in your backyard, here is news for you. "Blackberry bushes are recognised noxious weeds in the City of Monash. Residents are required to ensure that they eradicate any such growth."

The Council Chamber is often empty during Council Meetings, an indication of ratepayers' apathy! Speak out before things get to the repair damage mode.