Posted to Letters to Editor, Monash Weekly on 1/9/2011
Now to 2015
On the negatives, this is what will happen:
On the positives:
Now to 2015
On the negatives, this is what will happen:
- Gillard will step down;
- Early election before next budget when Australia's financial blackhole will experience massive blowout;
- Bob Brown will stay but the rest of The Greens will be pulverised;
- Rudd will return as leader of opposition;
- Housing downturn will continue until March/April 2013;
- Official unemployment rate will reach 6.5%, but unofficial should be around 18%.
- Many online shoppers will get badly burnt by cheats and unethical traders;
- Online shopping sourced from overseas will be subjected to GST plus a new tax called custom handling tax.
On the positives:
- Both Upper and Lower Houses will be back in control of one Party;
- There will less talk and more action to "move" Australia forward;
- More satellite surveillance will be deployed for international water border control to curb illegal boats coming;
- Boat people and asylum seekers when accepted to remain in Australia will be duty-bound for a fixed term to develop Christmas Island or similar places. This is not dissimilar to many immigrants to Australia who have work in country towns;
- Reform and revitalise international education industry worth $18b just prior to sudden collapse in July 2010;
- Reform higher education to ensure the degrees / certificates are up-to-scratch;
- Sale of productive farm land to overseas investors will stop;
- Coal seam gas production will not proceed;
- Provide more research grant on combining carbon dioxide and salt;
- Work towards a balanced model for primary industry, secondary industry and tertiary industry;
- Savings will become a norm;
- People are more cautious in spending including choosing among home-cook meals, frozen food, dine-out and takeaway foods.