Saturday, 9 April 2011

Some free advice on real estate matters

Posted to Letters to Editor, Monash Weekly on 9/4/2011
Some free advice on real estate matters

If you haven't read my Real Estate forecast written to Letters to the Editor dated 14/12/2010, check it out now.

Let me I offer some more free advice on Real Estate matters as a community service.
  1. We eat everyday yet we don’t need to own a foodstore or restaurant. To live in a house, we don’t need to own one - stay with parents or rent!
  2. One basic need according to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is shelter NOT ownership of shelter. Ownership of real properties is a privilege, not a right. We need to sacrifice or compromise in every undertaking, to save up for a large deposit ASAP before buying a property
  3. An elastic band will finally snap after it has stretched beyond its limit. Many over-commit and over-stretch property owners will snap under mortgage and financial stresses. Damage can be irreparable
  4. Climatic fluctuation flip-flops between drought and flood. Economic fluctuation flip-flops between low and high unemployment rates. Single income families stand more risks should the sole bread winner loses employment.
  5. Buying off-the-plan is buying a drawing, buying an apartment is buying air space, but buying a freehold house is buying the precious commodity called land!
  6. Selling huge areas of rural land to foreigners without sunset clauses is not the smartest to run Australia! Foreigners can occupy our sovereign land without opening any friendly fire!
  7. I'm not telling you how to suck eggs. I'm just trying to help you build your nest eggs and then you can suck them your way.