Posted to Monash Weekly (28/2/2011) on 3/3/2011 at 11:42 AM
Commenting on “Monash cafe ban goes up in smoke”
It is load of nonsense for Cr Stephen Dimopoulos to say a Monash-specific ban would be hard on traders and thinks that the cost is too great to implement it.
This very negative and short-sighted view is not dissimilar to Cr Paul Klisaris who voted against the legislation he had designed feeling that he would be supporting something that only filled the glass half-way.
There will always be people who enjoy lighting up a cigarette inside or outside eating places, but there are a lot more who don’t. By promoting City of Monash as a complete smoke-free zone for café, we can attract non-smokers coming to help improve the food business in the City.
Unfortunately I disagree with Cr Geoff Lake trying to wash his hands clean by saying that “al fresco dining was something for the state government to tackle.” City of Monash can introduce by-laws to overcome this problem. What’s wrong being the first City to implement such policy?